Monday 10 February 2020


                                                      STEPHANIE STEAMWEAVER

Now, the woman you all talk shit about and hate but pretend to kiss her ass. Your Boss Lady Stephanie Steamwever. The one and only genius who manages to pay her RL bills off of your kinks and online sex labor lol!  Your money that you give back to her. I once heard her bitch about the "SL ECONOMY" and how because of people not supporting her sim, she had to "GET A REAL LIFE JOB". How awful! I mean hysterical!!!
Stephanie manages to convince you all to give her %70 percent of the money YOU EARNED at these sham events! What idiots you are! Many ex staff have told me how you fake the weird spanks, pass your own money back and forth to have the events appear successful so that dumb men will tip and also how she tries to control everything you do on SL with threats against you. Lets break it down.
She pays you which you "can't find anywhere else in SL".
Okay, but then she intimidates you into putting it all back into the sim, whether it be for the appearance of events or renting land or renting ad boards. And if you so much as hint at putting your money anywhere else, the guilt trips and intimidation/ threats start. These tricks are as old as the time we have all been coming here. Over and over ex staff have told me these things.
(Now the people who this is happening too are starting to wonder...the bells are ringing, they're going to all have a light bulb moment. Because I promise you, just because the current staff haven't said anything to me yet I know its still happening).
Yet you blindly follow her like a sad little sex cult. Pathetic!

She also allows her staff to bully and attack other staff and VIP's. While agreeing that the victims are the problem. 

This woman is utter trash by the way. She once told a group of people how she has orgasms every time she uses the washroom because she wipes back and forth (insert vomit emoji here)! News flash you dumb disgusting should should never wipe back and forth, i can't even imagine the  yeast infected, bacteria thriving situation she is dealing with down there!
Also her husband once masturbated using expired tartar sauce and she was screaming about the smell..yeah...this is  the owner Shade Chasers


  1. Oh my fucking gawwwd! That is disgusting! Front to back ladies. FRON TO BACK!!!

  2. nobody likes her because she's a greedy person and why does she yell everything when she talks

  3. Rotten tarter sauce nooooooooooo

  4. For the record that Tar Tar sauce was asking for it and old condiments need love too. As for the rest of everything else you say, you sure are going out of your way to "destroy" my wife and her staff and her business. You are extremely salty and although I am enjoying your writing I'm curious as to whether or not you actually visit other sims... tbh keep it up, you are advertising her place and she isn't even paying you to do it! This is awesome! :)

    1. RW you would never guess who is behind this because you love us. We go way back.

    2. FML I'm not "guessing who's behind this" or "investigator dude dubdub"... I think your blog is funny, a bit hurtful to some people but funny. Well you probably love me too since I am a troll and firmly believe that most people on SL are either Broke, Broken or Breaking... Hell if I was still on that I'd probably write my own blog ... god knows there are a lot of stories about nutjobs I could share on that game! If you know the story about that whorish slutty TarTar Sauce then I am sure we go way back like you said... I haven't really been on SL for years so we'd kinda' have to. Anyhow if I love you or care about you then I wouldn't say so if it weren't true and visa-versa since I don't do the drama stuff. Anyhow, be nice to people I guess is the thing I'd say. As a retard I met on SL once said: Pobody's Nerfect and it's true. I think nobody who is successful on SL is clear of having armies of haters with Axes to grind, I never really bothered that much to care tbh... Anyhow Monday Night Raw is on and I have the attention span of a shelled peanut so I'm out. Peace! >:)~

    3. @ Stephanie's hubby...
      1. I don't think these people are trying to destroy her or the lounge. They are clearly trolling, trying to build a virtual secrets style blog and using a popular sim to get views and clicks (btw its working)
      2. Running an sl sim is not a real business. Any successful business person in real life knows this, unless pocket change is enough to live on. That's not shade it's just the truth.
      3. I think if you want to combat this blog or the people behind it, you ignore it completely. Because these people are not salty, they are loving every minute of the attention these posts are getting. This isn't about dt at all,you are just a means to an end goal.

      People will never understand how trolling actually works lol

  5. Can you just imagine that rancid dick penetrating that diseased vagina???

  6. There is an old rumor that she worked at Subway and got fired for getting caught masturbating lol

  7. I suspect that she was on government assistance for a long period because she relies on the money she makes from sl to live on in rl

  8. i mute her when she is in the lounge because she is so loud and kind of a know it all who actually knows NOTHING

  9. Everything she does has always and will always be about money. This isn't fucking news. Its always been this way. So stop acting like this is some exclusive shit!

  10. So many people have been blamed for this blog and they're all wrong! Heads would roll if they really knew who was behind this

    1. who does everyone think is doing this? i want names!

  11. it could be anyone. it could be somebody banned or it could be unhappy staff current or old or it could be someone who wants to make it look like someone else

    1. It could even be me in the laundry room with a two sided dildo! Naw ... just kidding, it's RW again and I don't have time for making blogs... :P

  12. Kerrisa Whitefalcon10 February 2020 at 18:01

    Really? Is that the best you have? Ladies and Gentlemen, come on, really !?!?! Whether you like what she is doing or not, a business that has been around for 10 years is saying something. If you don't like DT .. don't go there.. it is that simple. Everyone has a choice. Pick your own version of SL drama and enjoy. Someone else can enjoy DT. As for Steph, here is the thing, she isn't sitting on her ass collecting her check at the beginning of the month, if she pays her bills with SL money more power to her, that means she isn't just wasting her time on SL hoping to get laid. But knowing her personally she works her ass off at her rl job and still puts her time into DT. That is a lot more dedicated than many of you. Just my .02 And yeah once again I am not afraid to post who I am.

    1. Kerrisa, who do you think is doing this?

    2. Kerrisa Whitefalcon10 February 2020 at 18:25

      I don't think it is one person. I think it is several and they are working hard to make it look like others. But in the end, does it really matter? We all know what we know and when someone gets so bent out of shape that they want to "throw shade" at people, it usually means they don't want anyone looking at how bad their own shit is. Personally they are wasting their time, the stuff they say that is actually true is such old news that it doesn't even suprise people. *Shrugs*

    3. RW just won the comments. Don't @ me!

  13. RW please marry me! I'll fight Steph for your honor!

    1. Won't Melania get jealous or are we talking some kinky three way shit on wedding night? I can bring peanut butter and a stuffed donkey... for you know... umm... reasons...

  14. Stephanie Steamweaver25 February 2020 at 05:35

    Ok, so.. many of you have probably wondered why I have not responded, I mean, this is ripping apart my lounge apparently right? LOL Not so much. It is free advertising so how can I complain. I do not agree with how it is being done and it is not right to bring in people's RL to this, but if people are so unhappy looking at them selves in the mirror or their RL that they have to tear down other people, well, I guess if it helps them get through life, who am I to complain about mental help right?

    Let's address some of this shall we and maybe start with my shade. I do not hide the fact that I am not willing to foot the bill with my own RL money for the Lounge, so yes, of course my goal is to make money! Duh! I am a business woman through and through and obviously I am doing something right if this June, DTVSL hits it's 10th anniversary! I'm sorry, are there other voice sims that have lasted that long? Any good business owner knows how to make money to keep the place open. Everyone knows this, I don't hide it and never have. Now, when it comes to making a profit, you are damn right I was able to make a RL living off SL for the first 5 years DT was open. It was fantastic! And haters are just jealous that they couldn't do it or don't even have a job in RL. I could work from home, who wouldn't love that!? But yes, that dream did not last and SL did slow down (it's proven facts, look it up) and so, I did have to go and get a job outside SL. I was a single mom when all that was happening, so for me to be able to support my family off SL was amazing!! However, I do now co-own a company in RL that supports my RL, not too mention, RW can work now that he is a permanent resident of Canada WOOT. So let's address these comments shall we? For those who know me, know I own my house and you can not get welfare when you own a house, so that line is bullshit LOL The next one... I got fired from Subway for masturbating. OMG that is epic, i wish. Never worked in a food place but I used to masturbate at work, when I was a manager of a music company, in my office, but never got caught. And last but not least, yes i masturbate while on the toilet and I rub my clit, this is true, however, obviously the poster is a male and knows shit of how to get woman off since he doesn't know how to rub a clit LOL here is some advice. Rub her clit, not rub her whole pussy from ass to clit to get her off. I feel so sorry for the woman you have played with. Oh, and btw, the tartar sauce Cumathon was epic and hilarious!!

    You know... I think the part that saddens me the most about this whole thing is that the people who submit these, not the creator, cause we all know that person is hiding in the shadows, don't get their stories straight. People listen to gossip instead of coming to the source. Want to know why someone is banned from DT, why they left staff or what the true story is? You can ask me. I may not always say though, because for those of you who know me, know I don't break confidentiality, but some things I will say.

    I agree with Kerrisa! Have the fucking balls to use your name!

    My last statement is this. You attack my sim and me, but yet to still come to it. What does that say about you? There are very few people I let into my Real Life and the ones I do let in, I am blessed to have them. They know who they are. Second life is just a business to me otherwise. I treat it as such and do not hide that fact. People in SL are there to fill avoid in their life and will use you for their own benefit until they don't need you anymore. People in SL are not your friends. When you turn your computer off, they go away and if you left SL, no one would care. The people you take from SL into RL, are the only people that matter from this virtual world. Everyone else are just Fake Friends. Your Real Life should always come first.

    Thank you all for the free advertising and the kind words you have said about me or DT. And for the haters, all you do is make me famous.

    1. She has a point. I mean it is free advertising for dirty talk.
